
Conrad Albrecht
Moscow, Idaho, USA

Software Engineer, 9 years experience. Primary skills: C++, C#, Windows, Visual C++, GUI.

Work Experience

DrawMusic. October 2002 - present. This is my own project/business consisting of a music software application, "ChordSong", and a Web site, ChordSong is a Windows desktop application for editing chords and lyrics, and the Web site promotes and publishes ChordSong. Skills I have practiced on this project include C# (9000 lines of C# code in ChordSong), XML, technical writing (ChordSong's Help document), Web site development (HTML, ASP.NET), and the Microsoft DirectMusic API.

Blevins Enterprises Inc. March 2001 - March 2004 (3 years). I worked on several released versions of the Sony Playstation 2 console game "SOCOM: U.S. Navy Seals" (over 1 million copies sold). Programming language: C++ (both CodeWarrior/Gnu C++ for the Playstation 2 and Visual C++ for Windows). SOCOM is an online 3D "shooter" game. I worked primarily on the game's 2D user interface and internationalization, including Korean and Japanese. Blevins Enterprises is in Troy, ID.

Pacific Simulation Inc. September 1996 - March 2001 (4½ years). Technologies: C++, Win32, Visual C++, numerical (scientific) programming, graphical diagramming UI, COM, MFC. I repaired, enhanced, and designed process simulators: desktop engineering applications which model (both visually and numerically) industrial chemical processes. The largest of these contained 100,000 - 200,000 lines of code. I led a team of several programmers. Pacific Simulation is in Moscow, ID.

Custom Business Systems Inc. April 1995 - September 1996 (1½ years): Platform: Visual C++, Win32. Worked on "Digital Universe", a digital audio storage and playback system for radio stations. Development areas included Windows user interface and digital audio. CBSI is in Reedsport, OR.

Microsoft. September 1994 - April 1995 (7 months). Worked as a tester on Windows 95 in the Multimedia group. This was an "agency temp" job.

Musician. 1981-1994. Musician and music teacher specializing in rock/pop/jazz keyboards and composition.

Formal Education

1977-1980: Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA. Obtained Berklee's 4-year fine-arts degree. Concentrated on composition, jazz and classical piano, and synthesizers.

Other Background

Software Engineering Knowledge. BSCS-equivalent computer science knowledge. Well-read in development methods, for example: Unified Development Process (Jacobson, Booch, Rumbaugh); Design Patterns (Gamma et. al.); Extreme Programming (Kent Beck); object-oriented design (Booch).

Additional Technologies. I've used the following technologies not mentioned above: